
갤러리 다채로운 전시 작가 작품! 아트 플랫폼 서울갤러리



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    서울 마포구 독막로20길 42 (창전동)

“탈영역우정국”, “POST TERRITORY UJEONGGUK”은(구)창전동 우체국의 건물을 문화공간으로 탈바꿈시키는 리니어콜렉티브의 장기 프로젝트입니다. 본 프로젝트는 우체국의 옛말인 우정국으로 공간의 이름을 명명하고 또한, 소통과 메세지를 주고 받았던 장소성에 기인하며 POST OFFICE의 “POST”의 다른 뜻인 “이후의”, “탈” 장르와 영역의 규정에서 벗어난다는 의미에서 “탈영역우정국” 이라는 정식 명칭을 가지고 있습니다.

Post Territory Ujeongguk is a long-term project space by Linear Collective that transforms an old post office in Changjeon-dong area, Mapo-gu, Seoul, which was an idle space due to the integration and unification of the post office, into a cultural space. Through exhibitions, performances, workshops, and screening programs, Ujeongguk showcases the work of artists from various fields such as visual arts, design, traditional music, experimental sound, performance, interactive art and social acts.

The name of the space “POST TERRITORY UJEONGGUK” declares the following:

1.”Out of Territory Postal Service” in Korean 
2. Post office’s “Post” due to the nature of the place where  communication was exchanged
3.”Post” in the sense that it deviates from regulation
4.”Post” of “after”, “de” genre and area

    select product.* , fi.wm_filename, fi.wm_file_width, fi.wm_file_height from ( select pd.* from sp_exhibition as pd ) as product left join sp_board_file as fi on product.wm_id = fi.wm_bid and fi.wm_num = 0 and fi.wm_table = 'sp_exhibition' where 1 = 1 and wm_use ='Y' and wm_gallery_id = '366' and wm_sdate > '2024-05-21' and wm_edate > '2024-05-21' order by product.wm_sort desc , wm_id desc limit 0, 8
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