
갤러리 다채로운 전시 작가 작품! 아트 플랫폼 서울갤러리


쇼앤텔 쇼룸
show and tell

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    서울 영등포구 선유로53길 10 (양평동4가) 1층

    select product.* , fi.wm_filename, fi.wm_file_width, fi.wm_file_height from ( select pd.* from sp_exhibition as pd ) as product left join sp_board_file as fi on product.wm_id = fi.wm_bid and fi.wm_num = 0 and fi.wm_table = 'sp_exhibition' where 1 = 1 and wm_use ='Y' and wm_gallery_id = '770' and wm_sdate < '2024-04-29' and wm_edate < '2024-04-29' order by product.wm_sort desc , wm_id desc limit 0, 8
  • 손지훈 《Space Run Artist ; 사무의 바다를 달리는 공간》 손지훈
    쇼앤텔 쇼룸
    2022-01-18 ~ 2022-01-29
  • 등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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